Jack & Jackie is a tale full of birds, with various species, heights and colors. The previous post doesn't cover everyone appearing: we have 125 characters and we keep counting!

But it all started with just one...

Jack mini
Cutie pie! <3

Who is he? How he appeared? Why so beautiful?

If I tell you that involved 5 ingredients and 70 years, can you believe it?!

Better start explaining. I'm gonna prove it!

Here's the king of the whole shabang!!! | Nat King Cole (1919-1965)

Yeah, that's the man. Who knew that a song composed by him and a friend (Irving Mills) in 1943 (!!!!) would reach this fine author who's speaking, 70 years later!!! That, my friends, is the POWER.

This song tells a story of a buzzard taking a monkey for a ride in the air. The monkey doesn't have a name; the buzzard does. Therefore, our friend got a name! You can hear it clicking here.

2) HIT THE ROAD, JACK (1960)
The birthday man, YAY!!! | Ray Charles (1930-2004)

That's a classic you've already heard! If you didn't, I introduce you to this wonderful piece, that probably will be stuck in your head.

Composed by Percy Mayfield, the tale of a Jack being kicked out by his wife was made popular by the voice of Ray Charles and his backing vocals, the "Raelettes", and became one of his greatest hits. At least, I believe that's the most known version.

That, in a certain way, also happens with our character. Oh, noes! But everything turn out okay in the end, or this series wouldn't have this name. More about it, on the second season! ;)

You can hear this song clicking here.

Not my favourite episode, but it helps to synthesize the series! | Episode Real Gone Woody (Ep. 58, 1958)

A-ha! A surprise reference! Let's face it, Jack doesn't have the nature and much less shares kinship with Buzz Buzzard, this classic antagonist, but yes, there is a bit of influence. A very tiny bit...

4) DUCKTALES (1987)
Everyone's favourite pilot! | Episode Top Duck (S01E24, 1987)

My idea: it has to be a tall guy, athletic, and piloting a biplane - to me, for some reason, the first ref mentioned above had to do with airplanes. The best match you can have in that description it's our beloved Launchpad McQuack!

I swear I don't remember watching that version of DuckTales, only the Lost Lamp movie and that's it. Must be something of collective unconsciousness.

Creating this series, the "aviation" part is not mentioned, appearing once and only by the fourth season. That will be explained later, in another post.

5) ADVENTURE TIME (2010-2018)
At last, the core of this creation! | Episode What Is Life? (S01E15, 2010)

You thought the characters were looking like someone from Regular Show? Or BoJack Horseman? Or Tuca and Bertie? Then come and gather to the presence of Finn and Jake, in the Land of Ooo, where our dear Jack first existed EXISTS.

Good times, the 2010s. Did you ever made (or make) characters like they were canon in the series? Well, that's what happened here. Like I said, that's a different story.

Did you like to know Jack's origins? That's just the beginning of the 1029384675 references we have around here. Don't underestimate your influences, they can lead to something amazing! And if you have a story like this and want to talk about it, I would love to know.

See you in the next post! \o

Assinatura Júlia Lee